Thursday, April 26, 2007

How to guarantee you gain control of your MLM/network marketing business’ growth and profits without ever having to use the 3-foot rule!

Why What you are doing today is costing your Business $1000s of dollars!

The Network Marketing Model of Business is one of the better ways for the average individual to create wealth and yet, 97% of the people who join network-marketing companies fail! True as this statement may be, what does it truly mean? Well to really understand this statement, we must begin our quest by understanding some key concepts.

Think back to the day you first got involved in this industry. Like me, you probably entertained the idea of riches, what did you want a Porsche? Ferrari? Or a Lexus maybe? Suffice it to say that the satisfying thought of financial success enticed you very much.

How were you planning to accomplish success in your business? I bet you thought family and friends right. Let me guess, once you got down to it you, it was not as easy as the bill of goods you were sold suggested. You faced resistance, resentment and frustration mounted. What were you thinking you keep asking yourself that a venture such as this could work for you?

But you haven’t given up yet, I mean after all you are here, on line reading this article searching because you know that there is a way for you to succeed. However a lot of what you have read disparages the industry. The frustration caused by the unresponsiveness of your trusted friends and family, spiked down right depressed.

Who wouldn’t be once they find out that you have but a 3% chance of success!
And yet, you still cannot let go of that nagging feeling that tells you that this 3% that does succeed must surely know what to do.

This is why we all hang in there, the hope that if we keep chipping at it, we will succeed. I would like to qualify the emboldened statement that 97% of the people who join network-marketing companies fail!


- Entrepreneur Magazine
Unqualified blanket statements about success or failure drive me crazy. Give me a why, tell me what to do, point me in the right direction. It seems that you will fail regardless. But as Entrepreneur Magazine highlights failure is directly related to the presence or absence of a system.

So by default of the 3% that succeed in the industry, 97% have mastered a system that is working for them! Eureka!

What does this mean for you, well find the system, utilize it, master it, teach it to others and now you are part of the elite 3%. Just that simple. You don’t believe me, well lets see what one of my favorite authors has to say about the acquisition of riches and wealth,

“If you can get rich by working hard, then have a good life. The problem is you still have to work hard.


That is what Ford did when he built Ford Motors, that is what Edison did when he built General Electric and that is what Bill Gates did when he built Microsoft.

If you just plan to be comfortable, this business system will not work for you. This is a plan that will make you very, very rich.

Remember the rich do not work for money, they learn to have money work for them.”- ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI

So what do you stand to gain by following a system? .
- You will reclaim your dreams, you will learn the insider secrets of success and wealth acquisition,
- You will bring an end to your frustrations, you will regain the respect of your family and friends (in fact they are going to want to do business with you, not so much because you are successful, but because you have system.
- You will build credibility- a system indicated you are master of the game. People are always willing to follow someone in the know. They will see that you really do have a way to help them as well).
- You will increase your downline, income and be an expert in the industry! Now how does that sound?

If nothing else, just proving the naysayers wrong, was impetus enough for me!

Stop Cheating yourself of sales and income, find out what I did to get out of the rat race. You will love my side of the fence. It is oh so stress free and successful!

Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo went from $3/month to creating a substantial
income in the industry within a matter of months by implementing the strategies
she shares. Her accomplishments serve as an example of what the right training,
knowledge and persistence hold in store for those who dare venture to pursue
and live their dreams. Read and Learn!

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Of what worth is the success of your business to you? MLM Traffic Formula
is the official how to guide if you are tired of puny checks and
looking to gain control of your business growth and profits and to
the generating massive income. Get paid more and have tons of fun doing it.
Put yourself on the positive cash-flow track…
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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