Thursday, April 26, 2007

Have people clamoring to get into your MLM/Network Marketing business BEFORE you even speak with them!

Post Cards: A Network Marketers, BESTFRIEND!

Leads, Leads and more Leads!

Can leads really be the solution to your Network Marketing woes or just another addition to the frustrations facing you relative to building your business?

A few days ago I spoke on the phone with a prospective client. She, in the throes of despair, had been in NWM for about 10 years and yet to profit!

10 years and no profit, now that is staying power if I have ever heard of any.

I discovered through using the consultative approach, she had a weekly investment of $400 to her upline for leads. Of which she would get about 20! You see her upline was involved in a co-op that supposedly provided leads for her team!

Well it does not take a genius to realize that this poor woman was being taken in more ways than one.

Further questioning revealed constraints relative to using these leads. They could not call them; they could email the leads if they were lucky to even have this information available!

That said, for those that she was able to call on, she hadn’t done so because she did not know what to say to them. A perfect recipe for disaster, but I bet her upline was loving it. And you were wondering how your upline might be keeping you from succeeding?

WOW! Faithfully she paid her dues. To her credit, a substantial number of leads, but no sales or income to show for her $400 weekly investment.

Daily I speak with individuals like this woman, who have a genuine desire to succeed, but clearly use obsolete marketing methods.

So what to do when you find yourself in this predicament? Well consider this, leads are the lifeline of your business, then why would you leave this most important resource in the hands of upline, lead companies and lists of 100!

You would not. Because this is your business, you must take full control. You must learn to generate your own leads.

Secondly, you must know what to say to them! Here the consultative approach comes in handy. Do you know how to make your business irresistibly attractive? Do you know how to elicit interest and create a joint partnership through the sales process?

Do you know how to ask questions that provide you the key to the goldmine? Do you know how to extract information that will allow you to make the sale? Do you listen or do you find yourself suffering from Verbal diarrhea? Do you know how to listen for buying cues? Do you know how to ask for the sale?

Thirdly, what sort of customer retention and leadership development plan do you have? If you do not have one, you need to stop wasting your time. You can have leads unlimited, but without a retention strategy you are spinning your wheels.

Among some of the things you want to consider include: Do you have an auto-responder system? Are you currently using a contact manager or are you still implementing the ‘3x5’ card follow up system? What is your follow up and follow through plan? Are you using postcards? How often do you plan on connecting with your customers and other key players on your team?

All these concerns and more are easily resolved when you employ a postcard marketing system. You should know that, "95% OF PEOPLE FAIL WHEN THEY START A BUSINESS WITHOUT A SYSTEM.

- Entrepreneur Magazine
You stand to increase your referral rate (word of mouth is still the best marketing too), using postcards will help you amp sales. You will resolve the issues of customer retention and attrition (we all know it is easier to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new, so why not keep them happy?) Getting organized in this manner will allow you to be duplicated. A simple duplicatable system is the key to UNSTOPPABLE INCOME!

Bonus strategy: Use the PAT Principle, Planning, Action and Training.


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