Friday, April 27, 2007

CUSTOMER RETENTION: How to Quadruple the Value of Your Downline!


Two days ago I received a call from a prospective client who had been prospected into a travel business while at the grocery store. Intrigued by the concept and spurred on by her love for travel she quickly enrolled. She did the usual 48 hour follow up with her upline where they 3-wayed a number of people. After a few hours of this they parted ways. Her uplines admonition was to enroll at least 1000 people per year, because come December 31st, of the 1000 she enrolled, only 300 will survive.

This week alone 50,000 people will join a network-marketing program. Only 2,500 will earn more than they spend on their products and marketing. 45,000 will never hear from their sponsor or upline again.

Most marketers do very well at prospecting and recruiting new downline and customers, but fail miserably at retaining those downline members and customers. If you want to succeed in network marketing you must be a master at retention. As the true story I shared with you indicates, numerous marketers are in dire straits because they know not what they do.

Statistical data suggests that marketers employing and consistently taking action in applying retention strategies, have their retention of existing subscribers and customers at nearly 10:1 as compared those who do not apply such retention strategies.

Without a Downline and/or Customer retention strategy, you will continue to experience frustration with your business. Keeping an existing customer happy proves to be much easier, than acquiring a new one. Retention is the easy part of what we do.


A downline retention plan must be implemented as an ongoing plan for maintaining contact with your organization. The objectives include to:

• Encourage people to continue to pursue their dream and not falter

• Instruct- a business built without training is bound to implode. You must keep abreast on the latest methodologies used industry wide.

• Provide for success by creating a simple duplicatable plan - a system that others can replicate. If you doubt the veracity of my words, just think Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison. Bill is not prosperous because he built computer chips, he is successful because he created a system that duplicated $50 billion dollars worth over!

The First 30 Days are the make or break of your retention strategy as well as the indicator of your long-term success! It is within this time frame that you help establish proper expectations, hone prospecting skills, and guide them toward developing a proper game plan. People become impatient quickly, so lay the foundation properly.


- Curb buyers remorse.

- Keep you from running around in circles, thereby saving you time money and effort

- People are insecure, they lack confidence and are easily swayed by opinion

- Provide training in order to improve sales/prospecting skills

- Rapport Building

- Product Orientation

- Establish a referral base

Strategy - Have a 30-day plan for every new downline recruit. How do you accomplish this feat, pick up the phone and Make contact. Here is what I do when I acquire a new customer, and/or downline member:

Within the first week,

1. Contact the subscriber by phone and welcome them to your organization.

2. Share your success story on how your business and/or team helped you achieve your goals.

3. If you have not already done so, discover their reasons for doing business with you and what you can do help them accomplish their goals.

4. Avail yourself, let them know that you are interested in their success, provide your contact information, the best time to reach you so that they contact you when they need guidance with regard to their success!

5. Set up a New Member Orientation meeting. 30 Minutes is the recommended length of time.

6. Begin your post-card marketing with a "New Subscriber Postcard.” Post-Cards will be the heart of your success. You are now entering the relationship-building phase where loyalties are established. A loyal happy customer is a venerable goldmine! Do not cheat yourself of success!

Post Cards will be a great resource for you, do not ignore the potential that lies herein. The great thing about this method of marketing is the leverage it affords you. Once you set up your campaigns you are done for life. Why? Because all new prospects require the same love and training in the first 30 days!

Statistics prove that implementing a retention strategy consistently improves profitability per subscriber by more than 32% greater than the subscribers without ongoing communication – Jeffery Zalewski. What this means is by implementing a retention strategy, you will earn more from each subscriber than you would if you focused solely on prospecting. Remember the dire prediction of my prospects upline? Now tell me that you do not want this!

Don’t have a post-card marketing system?


The fortune is in the follow up. I would like to offer you a FREE test-drive of our incredible system. This will allow you to begin your marketing and retention efforts at my expense. FREE GIFT ACCOUNT! Click here ==>


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