Monday, April 30, 2007

Top 3 Reasons Why Network Marketers Fail

Top 3 Reasons Why Network Marketers Fail
- by Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo
© Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo- All rights reserved


- Entrepreneur Magazine

A system constitutes in particular, a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.

If your system involves the 3-foot rule, list of 100 or more, hotel meetings, 3-ways, everyone with a pulse is your prospect, repeat! It is time to re-group! Let me introduce the PAT Principle:

2. Planning: An essential step to succeeding in any worthwhile venture. Most people get involved in MLM/Network Marketing as a quick fix! What they do not realize is that network marketing is the business of marketing! Regrettably, many of those who pursue this industry have no idea how to market or promote! - Mike Dillard. In this phase you plan your time (I recommend 8-10/week), and your marketing budget ($300-$500/month). Statistics indicate that low cost marketing efforts take seven times as long to yield results. You identify those most likely to use your product/service (Target Market). You begin to research marketing methods you will implement (5-Point Prospecting is highly recommended). You create your customer/downline retention strategy.
3. Action: Busy work, surfing the net, responding to email, while necessary administrative tasks, do not constitute business-building activity. You want face time with the prospect - activity that puts money in your pocket! (Apply the Consultative Approach).
4. Training: The application of knowledge equals power. Imagine that you have been informed of your random selection as a Plastic Surgeon. Consider the number of botched cases and the media frenzy. Would you seriously jump into something without the proper training and practice necessary to execute? Invest in yourself! Keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques to improve sales skills. Financial freedom, is not an event, it is a SKILL!

The Science of Getting Rich

"The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.

It is natural law that; like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."- Wallace D. Wattles

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Friday, April 27, 2007

CUSTOMER RETENTION: How to Quadruple the Value of Your Downline!


Two days ago I received a call from a prospective client who had been prospected into a travel business while at the grocery store. Intrigued by the concept and spurred on by her love for travel she quickly enrolled. She did the usual 48 hour follow up with her upline where they 3-wayed a number of people. After a few hours of this they parted ways. Her uplines admonition was to enroll at least 1000 people per year, because come December 31st, of the 1000 she enrolled, only 300 will survive.

This week alone 50,000 people will join a network-marketing program. Only 2,500 will earn more than they spend on their products and marketing. 45,000 will never hear from their sponsor or upline again.

Most marketers do very well at prospecting and recruiting new downline and customers, but fail miserably at retaining those downline members and customers. If you want to succeed in network marketing you must be a master at retention. As the true story I shared with you indicates, numerous marketers are in dire straits because they know not what they do.

Statistical data suggests that marketers employing and consistently taking action in applying retention strategies, have their retention of existing subscribers and customers at nearly 10:1 as compared those who do not apply such retention strategies.

Without a Downline and/or Customer retention strategy, you will continue to experience frustration with your business. Keeping an existing customer happy proves to be much easier, than acquiring a new one. Retention is the easy part of what we do.


A downline retention plan must be implemented as an ongoing plan for maintaining contact with your organization. The objectives include to:

• Encourage people to continue to pursue their dream and not falter

• Instruct- a business built without training is bound to implode. You must keep abreast on the latest methodologies used industry wide.

• Provide for success by creating a simple duplicatable plan - a system that others can replicate. If you doubt the veracity of my words, just think Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison. Bill is not prosperous because he built computer chips, he is successful because he created a system that duplicated $50 billion dollars worth over!

The First 30 Days are the make or break of your retention strategy as well as the indicator of your long-term success! It is within this time frame that you help establish proper expectations, hone prospecting skills, and guide them toward developing a proper game plan. People become impatient quickly, so lay the foundation properly.


- Curb buyers remorse.

- Keep you from running around in circles, thereby saving you time money and effort

- People are insecure, they lack confidence and are easily swayed by opinion

- Provide training in order to improve sales/prospecting skills

- Rapport Building

- Product Orientation

- Establish a referral base

Strategy - Have a 30-day plan for every new downline recruit. How do you accomplish this feat, pick up the phone and Make contact. Here is what I do when I acquire a new customer, and/or downline member:

Within the first week,

1. Contact the subscriber by phone and welcome them to your organization.

2. Share your success story on how your business and/or team helped you achieve your goals.

3. If you have not already done so, discover their reasons for doing business with you and what you can do help them accomplish their goals.

4. Avail yourself, let them know that you are interested in their success, provide your contact information, the best time to reach you so that they contact you when they need guidance with regard to their success!

5. Set up a New Member Orientation meeting. 30 Minutes is the recommended length of time.

6. Begin your post-card marketing with a "New Subscriber Postcard.” Post-Cards will be the heart of your success. You are now entering the relationship-building phase where loyalties are established. A loyal happy customer is a venerable goldmine! Do not cheat yourself of success!

Post Cards will be a great resource for you, do not ignore the potential that lies herein. The great thing about this method of marketing is the leverage it affords you. Once you set up your campaigns you are done for life. Why? Because all new prospects require the same love and training in the first 30 days!

Statistics prove that implementing a retention strategy consistently improves profitability per subscriber by more than 32% greater than the subscribers without ongoing communication – Jeffery Zalewski. What this means is by implementing a retention strategy, you will earn more from each subscriber than you would if you focused solely on prospecting. Remember the dire prediction of my prospects upline? Now tell me that you do not want this!

Don’t have a post-card marketing system?


The fortune is in the follow up. I would like to offer you a FREE test-drive of our incredible system. This will allow you to begin your marketing and retention efforts at my expense. FREE GIFT ACCOUNT! Click here ==>


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Have people clamoring to get into your MLM/Network Marketing business BEFORE you even speak with them!

Post Cards: A Network Marketers, BESTFRIEND!

Leads, Leads and more Leads!

Can leads really be the solution to your Network Marketing woes or just another addition to the frustrations facing you relative to building your business?

A few days ago I spoke on the phone with a prospective client. She, in the throes of despair, had been in NWM for about 10 years and yet to profit!

10 years and no profit, now that is staying power if I have ever heard of any.

I discovered through using the consultative approach, she had a weekly investment of $400 to her upline for leads. Of which she would get about 20! You see her upline was involved in a co-op that supposedly provided leads for her team!

Well it does not take a genius to realize that this poor woman was being taken in more ways than one.

Further questioning revealed constraints relative to using these leads. They could not call them; they could email the leads if they were lucky to even have this information available!

That said, for those that she was able to call on, she hadn’t done so because she did not know what to say to them. A perfect recipe for disaster, but I bet her upline was loving it. And you were wondering how your upline might be keeping you from succeeding?

WOW! Faithfully she paid her dues. To her credit, a substantial number of leads, but no sales or income to show for her $400 weekly investment.

Daily I speak with individuals like this woman, who have a genuine desire to succeed, but clearly use obsolete marketing methods.

So what to do when you find yourself in this predicament? Well consider this, leads are the lifeline of your business, then why would you leave this most important resource in the hands of upline, lead companies and lists of 100!

You would not. Because this is your business, you must take full control. You must learn to generate your own leads.

Secondly, you must know what to say to them! Here the consultative approach comes in handy. Do you know how to make your business irresistibly attractive? Do you know how to elicit interest and create a joint partnership through the sales process?

Do you know how to ask questions that provide you the key to the goldmine? Do you know how to extract information that will allow you to make the sale? Do you listen or do you find yourself suffering from Verbal diarrhea? Do you know how to listen for buying cues? Do you know how to ask for the sale?

Thirdly, what sort of customer retention and leadership development plan do you have? If you do not have one, you need to stop wasting your time. You can have leads unlimited, but without a retention strategy you are spinning your wheels.

Among some of the things you want to consider include: Do you have an auto-responder system? Are you currently using a contact manager or are you still implementing the ‘3x5’ card follow up system? What is your follow up and follow through plan? Are you using postcards? How often do you plan on connecting with your customers and other key players on your team?

All these concerns and more are easily resolved when you employ a postcard marketing system. You should know that, "95% OF PEOPLE FAIL WHEN THEY START A BUSINESS WITHOUT A SYSTEM.

- Entrepreneur Magazine
You stand to increase your referral rate (word of mouth is still the best marketing too), using postcards will help you amp sales. You will resolve the issues of customer retention and attrition (we all know it is easier to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new, so why not keep them happy?) Getting organized in this manner will allow you to be duplicated. A simple duplicatable system is the key to UNSTOPPABLE INCOME!

Bonus strategy: Use the PAT Principle, Planning, Action and Training.


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Offers practical guide to achieving financial freedom. This is the official how to guide for you to gain control of your business growth and profits, to generating massive income. Put yourself on the positive cash-flow track… with virtually no selling! Learn how to take control of your business


How to guarantee you gain control of your MLM/network marketing business’ growth and profits without ever having to use the 3-foot rule!

Why What you are doing today is costing your Business $1000s of dollars!

The Network Marketing Model of Business is one of the better ways for the average individual to create wealth and yet, 97% of the people who join network-marketing companies fail! True as this statement may be, what does it truly mean? Well to really understand this statement, we must begin our quest by understanding some key concepts.

Think back to the day you first got involved in this industry. Like me, you probably entertained the idea of riches, what did you want a Porsche? Ferrari? Or a Lexus maybe? Suffice it to say that the satisfying thought of financial success enticed you very much.

How were you planning to accomplish success in your business? I bet you thought family and friends right. Let me guess, once you got down to it you, it was not as easy as the bill of goods you were sold suggested. You faced resistance, resentment and frustration mounted. What were you thinking you keep asking yourself that a venture such as this could work for you?

But you haven’t given up yet, I mean after all you are here, on line reading this article searching because you know that there is a way for you to succeed. However a lot of what you have read disparages the industry. The frustration caused by the unresponsiveness of your trusted friends and family, spiked down right depressed.

Who wouldn’t be once they find out that you have but a 3% chance of success!
And yet, you still cannot let go of that nagging feeling that tells you that this 3% that does succeed must surely know what to do.

This is why we all hang in there, the hope that if we keep chipping at it, we will succeed. I would like to qualify the emboldened statement that 97% of the people who join network-marketing companies fail!


- Entrepreneur Magazine
Unqualified blanket statements about success or failure drive me crazy. Give me a why, tell me what to do, point me in the right direction. It seems that you will fail regardless. But as Entrepreneur Magazine highlights failure is directly related to the presence or absence of a system.

So by default of the 3% that succeed in the industry, 97% have mastered a system that is working for them! Eureka!

What does this mean for you, well find the system, utilize it, master it, teach it to others and now you are part of the elite 3%. Just that simple. You don’t believe me, well lets see what one of my favorite authors has to say about the acquisition of riches and wealth,

“If you can get rich by working hard, then have a good life. The problem is you still have to work hard.


That is what Ford did when he built Ford Motors, that is what Edison did when he built General Electric and that is what Bill Gates did when he built Microsoft.

If you just plan to be comfortable, this business system will not work for you. This is a plan that will make you very, very rich.

Remember the rich do not work for money, they learn to have money work for them.”- ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI

So what do you stand to gain by following a system? .
- You will reclaim your dreams, you will learn the insider secrets of success and wealth acquisition,
- You will bring an end to your frustrations, you will regain the respect of your family and friends (in fact they are going to want to do business with you, not so much because you are successful, but because you have system.
- You will build credibility- a system indicated you are master of the game. People are always willing to follow someone in the know. They will see that you really do have a way to help them as well).
- You will increase your downline, income and be an expert in the industry! Now how does that sound?

If nothing else, just proving the naysayers wrong, was impetus enough for me!

Stop Cheating yourself of sales and income, find out what I did to get out of the rat race. You will love my side of the fence. It is oh so stress free and successful!

Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo went from $3/month to creating a substantial
income in the industry within a matter of months by implementing the strategies
she shares. Her accomplishments serve as an example of what the right training,
knowledge and persistence hold in store for those who dare venture to pursue
and live their dreams. Read and Learn!

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Of what worth is the success of your business to you? MLM Traffic Formula
is the official how to guide if you are tired of puny checks and
looking to gain control of your business growth and profits and to
the generating massive income. Get paid more and have tons of fun doing it.
Put yourself on the positive cash-flow track…
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