Saturday, May 5, 2007

The #1 Problem Plaguing 99% of Small Business Professionals

The #1 Problem Plaguing 99% of Small Business Professionals
- by Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo
© Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo- All rights reserved

While you are Sleeping…

You can solve a problem plaguing 99% of all small business professionals.

Figuring out how to attract new customers and clients consistently and affordably is one of the biggest problems facing small business professionals!

Of the many marketing strategies used by small business professionals, the one marketing method that stands above the rest is referrals.

As an independent professional or small business owner, you know the importance of referral relationships to your business. Referrals are the lifeblood of your company.

Are you interested in doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the number of referrals that you are receiving?

What if there existed a system that could easily get you highly qualified referrals, eager to come to you and do business with you immediately? What effect would this have on your business?

The Guinness Book Of World Records lists Joe Girad as the world’s greatest salesman. Joe sent over 16,000 handwritten greeting cards to past clients per month. Consequently he became the #1 car salesman for 12 consecutive years. The majority of his sales came from highly qualified referrals!

How would you like to generate and endless stream of highly qualified referrals, without begging or feeling the discomfort of having to ask only to be turned down before you complete your sentence?

The best referrals come as a result of happy customers, clients and influential people who know you, like you, and trust you.

The quantity and quality of referrals that you generate is directly influenced by the relationships that you are able to grow and nurture.

Bob Burg, author of “Endless Referrals’’ affirms that, “thank you notes are one of the most powerful tools in building a huge network both socially and professionally. People with the most impressive networks are typically avid note writers. I suggest you get into the habit of immediately sending out notes.”

Today I would like to introduce you to the most powerful referral system ever developed - an Autopilot referral system that will literally have people falling in love with you while you are Sleeping!

This unique auto-pilot referral system will turns clients, patients and customers into referral evangelists – singing your praises to friends, family and associates!

The Send Out Cards Referral System will help you establish, build and nurture relationships with the simple push of a button.

This system, can be put on 100% AUTOPILOT! (I love this part), extremely inexpensive, works for ANY business you can think of, allows you to completely personalize and customize it.

Statistical data on multiple case studies, indicate that marketers that implement and consistently takes action in applying customer, client and patient retention strategies, have their retention of existing clientele at a 10:1 when compared those who do not apply such retention strategies.

The odds are in you favor you have everything to gain!

Of what worth is the success of your business to you? Use Postcards and stay connected with your Patients, Customers and Clients. Use our incredible system to generate highly qualified referrals, eager to come to you and do business with you immediately! I would like to offer you a FREE Gift Account, which will allow you to begin your referral marketing efforts at my expense…

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